Veterinary expert Dr Tapesh Mathur from Jaipur, Rajasthan, is one who constantly thinks about bettering the lives of animals. Them being stranded on the roadside without limb(s) is a common sight that disturbed him. So, he came up with an innovation which helps animals walk and run with ease called ‘Krishna Limbs’.
“The first success came in 2014 when a calf named Krishna tried on this leg. The speed of his running was amazing,” says the doctor. The venture was named after his first patient who successfully received a prosthetic limb.
The limbs cost Rs 3,000-4,000 but Dr Tapesh and his wife Dr Shipra do it free of cost using a portion of their monthly income.
To date, over 165 animals, including cows, dogs, cats, rabbits and many more have been helped.