Hearing about the campaign from local activists, he set out to build a toilet for his home, and even went to the lengths of selling his cattle and mortgaging his wife’s jewellery to complete the construction work!
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Kanti was also told by the activists that he would receive an award of Rs. 4,000 each from the centre, state and the municipality, giving him all the more incentive to construct a toilet.
After receiving the first installment, Kanti, along with a few local labourers started digging and made a basic structure. But midway into the construction, he faced a challenge. The first tranche had been used already, and work was in danger of being stopped. But rather than giving up, he sold his goat for Rs. 5000, and mortgaged his wife’s silver jewellery to complete the construction!
On coming to know that he had funded the toilet on his own, officials felicitated him and gave him another Rs. 4000 to pay off his mortgage.
It's stories like these that give hope for a cleaner and healthier India!
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About the author: Varun Jadia is a high schooler who has just completed his Class 10 boards. He enjoys listening to music, playing his guitar, playing badminton, writing and reading. Math is his favourite subject, and in the future, he wishes to pursue a career in economics.